Queries that must be be run before importing the courses, they can be run by anyone with query access. The queries can be run throughout the entering of prior term copies to save you from having to a monster clean up, but they all must be run after the prior term copies have been entered and checked.
Run scheduling queries related to course cleanup:
UW_RS_MISMATCHED_INSTR_MODE_SB SB - This query doesn’t do what we want it to do anymore, it looks for courses with the Instruction mode set to CO and matches it with “ONLN”, or “ONLN” and matches it with CO, however remote courses throw a wrench into this one.
– Manually scroll through list and ensure that for the subject the Acad Org and Group are the same through the list – if different contact catalog person in either Grad or UG to have them fix it
– If you get results you must do a course roll (Curriculum Management -> Roll Curriculum Data Forward -> Course Roll) that should fix them!
Run query to look for missing RC weights (UW_RS_MISS_RC_IN_RCWGHT_TBL_NP) if there were some that needed to be added re-run: UW_RS_RESERVE_CAP_ORDER_NP to catch any changes.
Ensure Scheduling has updated all course changes