id string string Game Id
start_time string string ISO 8601 formatted start date-time
end_time string string ISO 8601 formatted end date-time
location string string Location of the event
sport string string Sport involved
opponent string string Other team involved
summary string string Summary of the event
end_result string string End result of the game if any
description string string Description of the event
url string string URL of game
id string Club Id
start_time string ISO 8601 formatted start date-time
end_time string ISO 8601 formatted end date-time
summary string Summary of the event
description string Description of the event
categories string Category of the veent
url string URL for more details for the event
GET /mentalhealth/resources/.{format}
This method returns the info about the mental health resources present in KW region.
All calls on this endpoint are logged as a security measure
Reverse searching or indexing this catalogue is not permitted
Any value can be null
Sources :
Parameters :
GET /mentalhealth/resources/.{format}
Outputs :
Examples :
GET /mentalhealth/resources/.{format}
Field Name Type Value Description
title string Name of the mental health resource center
description string Description of the mental health resource center
location string Location of the mental health resource center
hours string Office hours of the center
email string Email id of the center
phone string Phone number of the center
phoneroot string Extension if any
website string Website of the center
tags string On campus/off campus