Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: added a helpful link


Also, UART’s serial communication has a special bit called parity bit. Parity bit is a simple error checking bit that saves whether the data is even or odd at the transmitter, and checks if the data is still even or odd at the receiver, in case the data bit is distorted due to noises.

1 bit 


5-9 bits


0-1 bit


1-2 bits


Pros and Cons



  • Parity bit supports error checking
  • Only 2 wires are used without clock
  • Very common and universal
  • data can be customized between 5-9 bits
  • Maximum data frame for each packet is limited to 9
  • 1:1 communication only
  • Baud rate must be consistent within 10% tolerance

SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface

  • Synchronous full-duplex communication protocol that allows a single master with multiple slaves
  • It uses 3 basic signal lines, SCK (Clock), MOSI (Master output -> slave input), MISO (Master input <- slave output), along with SS/CS (slave select or chip select) line.
  • The master device would have as many SS/CS lines as there are slaves connected to the master. In SPI, SCK & SS lines are controlled by the master to choose which slave device to communicate with and what to do with that slave device.
  • By pulling the SS line of the desired slave device low, master device initiates communication with the selected slave device.
  • Data signal is simple and continuous logic high’s and low’s.

Pros and Cons



  • Slave selecting is very simple
  • Higher data transfer rate due to wider bandwidth
  • Separate MOSI and MISO lines allowing full duplex function
  • No start and stop bits, continuous transfer of data allowed
  • Only one master
  • Uses 3 + n wires, which can become problematic with more slaves
  • No ACK bit to check a successful transfer of data (will be discussed in I2C section)
  • No error checking bit like UART

I2C - Inter-Integrated Circuit


ACK/NACK: after address frame and each data frame, the slave is given control over SDA line for one bit, so that it can pull the 9th bit down to low in order to indicate that data was successfully received by the slave. If the ACK bit is left high (also known as NACK state), master device can infer the data transfer was unsuccessful.

Start Condition


7 bits


1 bit


1 bit


8 bits


1 bit

Repeated Start

More Data & ACK/NACK bits



Pros and Cons



  • Only two lines needed to communicate
  • Multiple masters and slaves
  • ACK/NACK checking
  • Devices must take turns to communicate
  • Masters cannot communicate directly with each other
  • Smaller bandwidth

Hardware Configurations: Push-pull vs. Open drain


Also, CAN, as it is an asynchronous communication protocol, requires transceivers on both receiving and transmitting sides of the signal.

PROTOCOLS: UART - I2C - SPI - Serial communications