Ensure that OneDrive is accessible.
In the System Tray, click the blue cloud icon OneDrive – University of Waterloo to ensure that OneDrive is active and states, “OneDrive is up to date”.
Ensure that your N: drive is accessible.
Open File Explorer and click on your N: drive to ensure it is mounted and accessible. If the system you want to migrate is at home, ensure you are connected to the VPN so that your N: drive is available.
If you are on a laptop, resolve any offline file conflicts.
Open Sync Center - type ‘sync center’ in the search box and then select Sync Center.
Select View sync conflicts.
If there are any conflicts for recent files that you want synced, select the file and click Resolve. You can ignore any system file related conflicts.
Choose an option to resolve the conflict. The safest option is to keep both versions.
If you want to keep any files from your Recycle Bin, restore these files before you continue.
Part 2 - Install the 'AS - Copy N: Drive to OneDrive' update (optional)
Delete files from your N: Drive that do not need to be copied over to OneDrive.
Ensure you don’t have any files open that are on your N drive. If you have files in your Recycle Bin,
Open Software Center - type ‘software center’ in the search box and then select Software Center.
In Applications, click ‘AS – Copy N: Drive to OneDrive’. Select Install.
A command window will open and stay open until the process is completed.
Once the command window closes you can move on to the next section, ‘Enable OneDrive Documents folder as your default file location’.