Email - Contact GSPA and Records Systems about dates
Email - Contact GSPA and Records Systems about dates
About a week before prior term copy email records systems and GSPA to ensure that the dates in the term setup tables are correct.
From: Elysia Gallinaro
To: Alice Law; Christina Treusch; Wendy Irving
Cc: Libby Askin
Subject: Dates for the Fall 2023 term in Quest
Date: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:49:00 AM
Can you please enter in the term dates for the Fall 2023 term (if you haven’t already) These can be
found in:
Set Up SACR -> Foundation Tables -> Term Setup -> Term/Session Table
Please let me know if you’ve already done this – or when it’s all done. We are running prior term
copy on Friday the 24th next week.
Thank you!
Elysia Gallinaro (she/her)
Manager, Scheduling
Registrar’s Office
519-888-4567, ext. 49983