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Table of Contents


Report NameFinancial Admin Dashboard
SummaryThis report contains various types of information meant for departmental administrators who deal with financial systems or the general finances of a department.
Audience(s)Financial Administrators at various levels

Department Admin

Data SecurityIndividuals with reporting access at the org unit level or above in Unit4 will be able to see like information in this report.
Policy 46 Data ClassificationConfidential


Walkthrough of the new Financial Admin Dashboard launched August 2022
00:07 Agenda
00:42 Access
01:58 Navigation (Page Navigation and Drill Through)
02:36 Filters (Filters)
04:29 Visual Interactions (Highlight/Filter and Drill Down)
10:07 Report Contents

Report Description

This report contains various types of information meant for departmental administrators who deal with financial systems or the general finances of a department. 

It includes information on departmental users of various financial systems (Unit4, Concur, CentreSuite), items pending in workflow in Unit4 (requisitions and invoices), and open purchase orders.

The key uses of this report would be to identify inactive users for whom a deactivation request should be submitted to Finance, to follow up on outstanding workflow tasks, and to identify open purchase order lines that should be closed.

Data Security

This report is subject to the reporting access data control hierarchy used in Unit4 (orgunit and above only). An individual’s position in the data control hierarchy will determine how much or how little information will be returned when viewing this report.

Department Administrators have reporting access at the org unit level and above.

Report Contents

  • Filters applicable to the entire report include:
    • Business Unit (name)
    • Department (name)

Landing Page

(1) Users in Finance Systems (with Inactive HR Statuses)

This button takes the viewer to a page showing Users in Finance Systems (with Inactive HR Statuses).

(1a) Concur Users (with Inactive HR Statuses)

This button takes the viewer to a table showing Users specifically in the Concur system (filtered by default to show users with inactive HR statuses).

(1b) Unit4 Users and Roles (with Inactive HR Statuses)

This button takes the viewer to a table showing Users specifically in the Unit4 system (filtered by default to show users with inactive HR statuses).

(1b(i)) Employees with Inactive HR Status with Financial Approval Roles on Work Orders

This button takes the viewer to a table showing a list of work orders where one or both of the Signing Authority Users specifically in the Unit4 system (filtered by default to show users with inactive HR statuses).

(1b(ii)) Employees with Inactive HR Statuses with Reporting Access in Unit4

This button takes the viewer to a table showing a list of Unit4 users who still have reporting access to one or more Business Units, Departments, Org Units, or Work Orders (filtered by default to show users with inactive HR statuses).

(1c) Inactive Employees with P-Cards or Active CentreSuite Accounts

This button takes the viewer to a table showing Users specifically in the CentreSuite system or with an Active P-Card (filtered by default to show users with inactive HR statuses).

(2) Items in Workflow

This button takes the viewer to a screen showing outstanding tasks in workflow relating to purchase orders (within Procurement), Requisitions, and Invoices.

(3) Open Purchase Orders

This button takes the viewer to a table showing open purchase order line information.

(4) Filter Pane

Filters exist for a single visual (visible when that visual is active), for the whole page, and for all pages.

Additional filters may be relevant based on the visualization that is active at a point in time.

(5) Help Buttons

The help buttons include links to:

  • The UW BI Notification App - a place for Finance to publish updates or information about service outages
  • Guidance and Instruction Documentation - a link to these Confluence page instructions for the report
  • Report an Issue in Jira - a link to submit a ticket to Finance about an issue with the report
  • Provide feedback on this report - a link to a Microsoft Form to submit feedback about the report

Users in Finance Systems (with Inactive HR Statuses)

(1) User table

The table includes the org unit associated with the user (in Unit4), their email address, employee ID, user name, user category, HR status, and whether they have an active account in one or more Finance systems.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Jump To buttons

This screen also has buttons to Jump To specific pages for Financial Admin Dashboard - Old Theme#Concur, Financial Admin Dashboard - Old Theme#Unit4, and CentreSuite (which are also accessible directly from the Landing Page).

(3) Filter Pane

By default, this screen is filtered to the following HR statuses:

  • Blank (generally a graduate student who has an account but is not in the HR system)
  • Deceased
  • Retired
  • Terminated

(4) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Concur Users (with Inactive HR Statuses)

(1) User table

The table includes the employee ID, Name, email address, type of user, and HR status, as well as their Supervisor, Department reviewer, and default coding, if any.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Filter Pane

By default, this screen is filtered to the following HR statuses:

  • Blank (generally a graduate student who has an account but is not in the HR system)
  • Deceased
  • Retired
  • Terminated

(3) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Unit4 Users and Roles (with Inactive HR Statuses)

(1) User table

The table includes the employee ID, OrgUnit, Name, email address, user category, and HR status, as well as any reporting access or roles they have been assigned.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Jump To buttons

This screen also has buttons to Jump To specific pages to review work orders who have inactive users assigned on them or reporting access assigned to inactive users.

(3) Filter Pane

By default, this screen is filtered to the following HR statuses:

  • Blank (generally a graduate student who has an account but is not in the HR system)
  • Deceased
  • Retired
  • Terminated

(4) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Employees with Inactive HR Status with Financial Approval Roles on Work Orders

By default, this screen shows only work orders where one or both of the Signing Authority or Work Order Manager is inactive according to HR.

(1) Work Order table

The table includes the work order number and name, as well as the name and ID for the Signing Authority and Work Order Manager and an indication of whether their user account is active or not.

Names highlighted in Red indicate a user that does not exist in Unit4 or has been deactivated but not yet removed from the work order.  Names in green are fine.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Filter Pane

Filters applicable to the entire page include:

  • None

(3) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Employees with Inactive HR Statuses with Reporting Access in Unit4

(1) User table

The table includes the employee ID, Name, user category, and HR status, as well as a count of the number of Business Units/Departments/Org Units/Work Orders the user has reporting access to.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Filter Pane

By default, this screen is filtered to the following HR statuses:

  • Blank (generally a graduate student who has an account but is not in the HR system)
  • Deceased
  • Retired
  • Terminated

(3) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Inactive Employees with P-Cards or Active CentreSuite Accounts

(1) User table

The table includes the employee ID, Name, email address, and HR status, as well as information about their departure date, last system logon, last transaction date, user category, and card status.

Note: Data from CentreSuite is only updated once per month around the end/beginning of the month.  For this reason, recent changes may not yet be reflected in this report at the time of viewing.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Filter Pane

By default, this screen is filtered to the following HR statuses:

  • Blank (generally a graduate student who has an account but is not in the HR system)
  • Deceased
  • Retired
  • Terminated

(3) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Items in Workflow

(1a) Number of Purchase Orders

This card shows the number of purchase orders in workflow (as of the overnight refresh).  

Note that the purchase order workflow is entirely within the Procurement department, so this is just an FYI to see what's pending issuance.

(1b) Aging of Purchase Order Tasks

This visual breaks down the number of purchase orders in workflow into aging buckets of how long the task has been outstanding.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Age (category)

(1c) Number of Purchase Orders by Task Owner

This visual breaks down the number of purchase orders in workflow by the task owner and shows a Task Age (in days) for the oldest task held by that task owner. 

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Maximum task age
  • Purchase Order number
  • Task Owner

(2a) Number of Requisitions

This card shows the number of requisitions in workflow (as of the overnight refresh).  These are requisitions that have been created and are still in the approval workflow.  They have not yet arrived in Procurement to become purchase orders.

(2b) Aging of Requisition Tasks

This visual breaks down the number of requisitions in workflow into aging buckets of how long the task has been outstanding. 

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Age (category)

(2c) Number of Requisitions by Task Owner

This visual breaks down the number of requisitions in workflow by the task owner and shows a Task Age (in days) for the oldest task held by that task owner. 

With a right-click on one of the Task Owner names, the user can drill through to another page (Requisition Tasks Assigned to User) containing the list of specific requisitions sitting with the task owner and the individual task ages.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Maximum task age
  • Task Owner

(3a) Number of Invoices

This card shows the number of invoices in workflow (as of the overnight refresh).  These are purchase invoices that have been entered into approval workflow, but have not yet been fully approved or posted to the general ledger.  These invoices represent committed funds rather than actual transactions until they are finished workflow and posted.

(3b) Aging of Invoice Tasks

This visual breaks down the number of invoices in workflow into aging buckets of how long the task has been outstanding. 

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Age (category)

(3c) Number of Invoices by Task Owner

This visual breaks down the number of invoices in workflow by the task owner and shows a Task Age (in days) for the oldest task held by that task owner. 

With a right-click on one of the Task Owner names, the user can drill through to another page (Invoice Tasks Assigned to User) containing the list of specific requisitions sitting with the task owner and the individual task ages.

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Maximum task age
  • Task Owner

(4) Filter Pane

There are no filters that affect the entire page.

(5) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.

Requisition Tasks Assigned to User

This page shows a list of the requisition tasks assigned to the selected user from the drill through.

The table includes:

  • Task Owner
  • Requisition number
  • Requisitioner name
  • Task Age (in days)
  • The current workflow step for the assigned task

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the workflow page.

Invoice Tasks Assigned to User

This page shows a list of the invoice tasks assigned to the selected user from the drill through.

The table includes:

  • Task Owner
  • Transaction number
  • Invoice number
  • Task Age (in days)
  • The current workflow step for the assigned task

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the workflow page.

Open Purchase Orders

(1) Open Purchase Order Lines

This page shows a list of the open purchase order lines over which the viewer has reporting access.

The table includes:

  • the year and month of the purchase order
  • the purchase order number and requisition number
  • the supplier name
  • the work order and org unit to which the purchase was coded
  • the product description entered on the requisition
  • the quantities ordered/delivered/invoiced/outstanding
  • the dollar value of invoices in workflow/to be invoiced
  • the requisitioner and buyer names

Filter on this visualization using:

  • Any of the columns in the table

(2) Filter Pane

There are no filters that affect the entire page.

(3) Back (to main Landing Page)

Click on the Back arrow button on the top left to return to the landing page.


Safe Harbor Statement

The following reflects the current plans based on known requests and information, data availability and capabilities in Microsoft Power BI.  It is intended for information purposes only and is not a commitment to deliver any specific reporting or functionality. 

Priorities and timing may change based on future events such as: new items identified, enhanced data and/or system capabilities, or other external constraints.  Future investigation of specific items may also result in the conclusion that the request is not feasible.  We will endeavor to update this roadmap as significant updates become available.

Planned for Next Update

Future Versions and Investigations

  • Nothing identified at this time
  • Nothing identified at this time

Change History



Initial deploymentAugust 31, 2022
  • No labels