Setting up SSH Authman - for server owners

How to add SSH Authman for users please see the article

If you have existing tooling in place for managing user SSH keys, you can retrieve a users ssh keys using the URL<username> (eg:

Step-by-step guide

Select a script option, either python or bash with or without cache.

This example is using bash/ ( from the referenced scripts as

Create ssh cache directory (as root)

mkdir /var/ssh_cache chown nobody:(root group) /var/ssh_cache chmod 750 /var/ssh_cache

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Copy the selected script to /usr/local/bin/

Make changes to the script

chown root:nogroup /usr/local/bin/ chmod 750 /usr/local/bin/

Ensure the following lines

AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/bin/ AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody

You can put this under a match clause if you wish to restrict it to specific users/groups. For example:

Or, negate it for specific users/groups

After making modifications to /etc/ssh/sshd_config ensure that you reload the configuration. The method used depends of your system.

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