Options block (WCMS 2 Single page site)

Options block (WCMS 2 Single page site)

How to use the Options block (Single page site)


The Options block can be used to direct users to internal or external URLs.

  1. Select the Options block from the Block type list.

  2. Enter a Block title.

  3. Enter the Title and URL of the link text.

  4. Enter a Link description (optional). This text will overlay the image.

  5. Enter a Background image (optional). If no image is added a grey box will be displayed. All images will be scaled and cropped to the centre of the image. If only one block is created, it
    should be at least 1000 pixels wide. Background images should not contain text.

  6. Select the appropriate colour theme from the Colouring list. This will add a colour overlay to your image.

  7. Add another Option allows you to add additional blocks. They will appear next to each other, to a maximum of three per line. For consistency of block display height, it is recommend that all blocks either have, or do not have, an uploaded background image.