Conference how-to documents (WCMS 2)
What is a Conference site?
This responsive template allows conference attendees to quickly and easily check everything from event locations and speakers, to session times and descriptions across multiple devices.
See other WCMS conference sites and the guidelines for use.
Where to begin
Configure your Conference settings (Site Manager).
Start populating your site with content.
Supported content types
Other content types
Looking for more content types? Check out which content types are available for each site template.
Content not supported
Site footer
Please note that the Site footer content type, while visible and accessible on the Conference site, is not actually supported in this site theme. You are not able to display a specific site footer as you can on a standard website. This may be confusing and misleading, but we are unable to disable it from the site build, and are currently unable to 'hide' it from the content creation list.
Embedded content types
Embedded Facts and figures, Embedded Timelines, Embedded Call To Actions, and Image galleries may be available content types but are not properly supported in this theme.
Sidebar complimentary content
Sidebar complementary content area is not supported.
Expandable/collapsible template
Expandable/collapsible template is not supported.
Known issues
Buttons on front page leading to more content, i.e. Blog, Video, etc., are not working.
Session titles on front page appear as link text but do not link to specific content.
Embedded Call to Action buttons are only appearing as link text and not as a button.
Conference Speaker order is not working. Speakers will appear in alphabetical order regardless of the order number.