Development services and support

Development services and support

About this service

While most of the University’s new system deployments are Software-as-a-Service (Saas), IST also provides a number of custom development services, including application specific development (e.g. Quest, Learn), integration of systems, data warehousing and analytics, and development of systems from scratch. 

IST will engage the appropriate business owner (e.g. Registrar’s Office for Quest), as needed, and review existing functionality in systems before starting custom development. We’ll also help navigate any approvals needed (see below), as part of our overall Information Systems implementation and support capabilities.

Types of development

General development

  • Microsoft .NET - .NET is a free, open source, development platform.  We use this programming platform to do both major software development (e.g. Portal, Housing HOME system), and minor systems.   We have developers with expertise in IST’s Information Systems group.  This is our preferred, general, environment in cases where there isn’t already an existing application specific environment. 

  • We also have skills and experience across numerous platforms and languages (e.g. Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP (LAMP)) typically to support systems which dictate a specific environment, or for other internal activities. 

Specialized development


  • All new systems, whether commercial or locally developed, that store or process personal information, or other sensitive information, require an Information Risk Assessment (IRA). 

  • All systems that require access to University’s Administrative Information (e.g. student records) require data steward approval. 

  • All systems must meet requirements for accessibility.

How to request this service

Please contact us with your requirements: 

  • IST’s Director Departmental Campus Applications, Greg Smith

Support for this service

Submit an inquiry using the IST general request form


Costs may vary; please contact us for more details.

Additional service resources

Resources may be located within the IST Knowledge Base or on a website outside of this Confluence space.

IST KB resources that may be related to this service entry

Service catalogue feedback

If you’d like to share any feedback about this service catalogue entry, please let us know.