How to remove old alias name from Cisco Secure Client 5 on Windows
When clients upgrade the current Cisco Secure client OR install it without completely cleaning up the old configuration files, Cisco chooses to keep the client profile and client’s preferences in the XML files, the old alias still points to the old VPN group/URL, manual deletion of the configuration files is required to remove the old alias and generate the new ones.
Step 1: Exit Cisco secure client application or stop the Cisco secure client process:
Examples on Windows:
Step 2:
Two configuration files (ClientProfile XML and Preferences XML ) need to be deleted in the client’s operating system, they are stored in different locations in the system depending on the OS:
ClientProfile XML files are stored as below:
Please note that it requires admin privilege to remove ClientProfile XML file.
During the transition of the VPN migration, old alias and new alias could co-exist on your secure client, if the client accidentally removes a ClientProfile XML file, the new VPN URL will not work until it’s migrated, and the client will need to use the old VPN URL instead, the migration date of each VPN group will be announced in the IST Alerts.
Operating System | Location |
Windows | %ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\VPN\Profile\UW-Genral-SBL-v101.xml.xml |
Mac OS | /opt/cisco/secureclient/vpn/profile/UW-General-SBL-v101.xml.xml |
Linux | /opt/cisco/secureclient/vpn/profile/UW-General-SBL-v101.xml.xml |
Preferences XML file is stored as below:
Operating System | Location |
Windows | %LOCALAPPDATA%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\VPN\preferences.xml |
Mac OS | /Users/$username/.anyconnect /Users/$username/.vpn/.anyconnect |
Linux | /home/$username/.vpn/.anyconnect |
Examples on Windows:
Step 3:
Restart the secure client application on the system, the dropdown list for VPN alias/URL will be reset to factory default.
Examples on Windows