iClicker Cloud LTI Integration with LEARN

iClicker Cloud LTI Integration with LEARN

There is a new method for syncing iClicker courses with LEARN. We recommend using this new method over the LTI method. Please see iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync with LEARN for instructions on how to implement this new method.

iClicker Cloud's LTI Grade Sync uses Learning Tools Interoperability standards to publish scores from students' iClicker accounts to your LEARN gradebook as one aggregate percentage in a single gradebook column. Every time you sync your scores, the column will be automatically updated to reflect the new total.

Whether or not you choose to sync this aggregate percentage, it is recommended that you set up the integration with your LEARN course so that students can easily enroll in the iClicker Cloud class.

You'll need to follow these steps for each iClicker Cloud course you integrate with LEARN. LTI Grade Sync links are course-specific, so you won't be able to simply copy the tool link from one course to another in LEARN.

Note: TAs cannot complete this process. Instructor credentials are required.

Table of Contents:

Turn grade sync on and copy your course's LTI link

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab of your course settings and switch LTI-based Gradebook Integration to on

  2. Click the Copy Link button in the field under Course-specific LTI link: then click Save

Each iClicker Cloud course has a unique link. You need to follow these directions for each course you are teaching and use the specific link in your corresponding LEARN course.

Add the link to your LEARN course

  1. Go to the Content tab to add the LTI tool to a module, or create a module if you don’t already have one.


  2. Select External Learning Tools from the Existing Activities drop-down menu


  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Create New LTI Link


  4. Complete the following information under Create
    Title: iClicker Class – Course Code or another descriptive title
    LTI URL: paste the course-specific URL copied from your iClicker Cloud course settings

  5. Click Create and Insert


  6. Select the drop-down arrow next to the link, then select Edit Properties in Place from the options


  7. Select the checkbox for Open as External Resource

The link is now ready for students to use

Direct your students to log in to LEARN and use the tool link you created to access their iClicker accounts. Please see https://macmillan.force.com/iclicker/s/article/How-Students-Register-for-iClicker-Through-a-Learning-Management-System?r=591&ui-knowledge-components-aura-actions.KnowledgeArticleVersionCreateDraftFromOnlineAction.createDraftFromOnlineArticle=1 for more information.

Here are instructions you can share with your students to help them connect their iClicker and LEARN accounts and register properly for your iClicker course:

Sync grades from iClicker Cloud

LEARN doesn’t create a column for the LTI tool in its gradebook until the first time you sync your grades from iClicker. Please see https://macmillan.force.com/iclicker/s/article/How-to-Sync-Grades-from-iClicker-Cloud-to-Your-LMS?r=230&ui-knowledge-components-aura-actions.KnowledgeArticleVersionCreateDraftFromOnlineAction.createDraftFromOnlineArticle=1 for more information. You must have at least one activity and linked student in your iClicker Cloud gradebook to perform an LTI sync.

The grade item that LEARN automatically creates will be worth 100 points. You can modify the grade item's Maximum Points and Weight by going to the Grades page for your course and using the drop-down menu to Edit the grade item. 

Note: Every iClicker LTI sync overwrites the previous iClicker score in LEARN. Edits to student scores should always be made to the iClicker Gradebook and then synced to LEARN. This order of operation ensures that manual edits are preserved and that scores are consistent across both systems.



This page is adapted from Instructor Guide: iClicker Cloud LTI Integration with Brightspace by D2L ©2018 Macmillan Learning

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