Fixing Skype for Business log in issues on Mac

Fixing Skype for Business log in issues on Mac

To fix the Skype for Business (S4B) log in issue on Macs, users will need to complete the following steps:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Browse to this web site: https://support.globalsign.com/customer/portal/articles/2084405-intranetssl-root-intermediate-certificates

  2. Download the following two certificates (by default they will be saved in your Downloads folder)

    1. GlobalSign Non-Public SHA1 Chain

      1. GlobalSign Non-Public SHA1 CA - G3 SHA1 • RSA • 2048

    2. GlobalSign Non-Public SHA256 Chain

      1. GlobalSign Non-Public SHA256 CA - G3 > SHA256 • RSA • 2048

  3. Install both certificates to System Keychain:

    1. In Finder, browse to your Downloads folder, and double click on each one

    2. Your Keychain will open.

    3. Click on the Certificates menu item (left-hand side)

  4. Double-click on each certificate (below) and open Trust settings. Under When using this certificate, change to Always trust.

    1. GlobalSign Non-Public SHA1 CA-G3

    2. GlobalSign Non-Public SHA256 CA-G3

  5. Close the window to save the preferences. You may be prompted to enter your computer password.

  6. Open Skype for Business and log in with your 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. j25rober) and password.

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