Overview of Teams Webinars
Teams webinars is available for all current University of Waterloo staff and students and provides you tools to schedule a webinar, register attendees and analyze attendee data. Any UWaterloo user with an A3 Microsoft 365 license can schedule a webinar. Any user, including external participants, can register for a scheduled webinar.
For more information, please see Get started with Microsoft Teams webinars - Microsoft Support.
This article includes:
Other articles that might be useful:
Change webinar details -If you need to change details of a scheduled seminar, see this article for instructions on how to inform the presenters, and the attendees.
How are Teams webinars different from Teams meetings?
Teams webinars
Typically used for: controlled discussions among meeting participants with clear roles (presenters and attendees)
Attendee registration required to attend
if you have not registered and received the link to the Webinar you will need to register before you can join. It can take up to 15 minutes for you to receive the registration confirmation email, after which you can join by clicking the join the meeting link
As the organizer, it is similar to being an owner of a regular Teams meeting. The organizer can help to control the meeting so the presenter can focus on presenting
As a presenter, it is similar to being an owner of a regular Teams meeting allowing desktop sharing and other controls
Teams meetings
Typically used for: back-and-forth discussion and collaboration between meeting host(s) and participants
No attendee registration required to attend
Create/schedule a Teams webinar
Step by step
In your Teams calendar, select the arrow to the right of New meeting and then select Webinar.
Modify the require registration setting if required (everyone, no one, or only people in the organization)
Set the Webinar/Meeting title
Assign any other presenters. If you do not do this now, the presenter will not have presenter rights when joining the meeting and will need to be manually promoted by the organizer.
Configure the date and time of the webinar
Add location if required
Click Send
Once the window closes, re-open the newly created Meeting/Webinar and click Edit
Click Customize registration form and set as required (more information in Registration section below)
no information is passed from the meeting to the webinar registration
you will need to set all the information to match the meeting (date, time, etc.)
you can customize any additional fields to be completed out during registration
Click Save. Note: this will send updates to anyone that has already registered, but you should not have yet sent out the link to anyone
Copy registration link and send to all participants or post link
if an update is made to the webinar details by the organizer, an email is sent to all current registrants including a new ICS calendar entry
More information can be found in this article Schedule a webinar in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
Registration experience
registration report can be pulled via the meeting details page in the Teams client. See this article for information on how to download a registration report View webinar reports in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support (Note that a .csv file is downloaded each time the registration report is run)
attendance report is also available from the chat, however it does not contain registration data
if you need to update the webinar, you need to remember to update both the meeting and the webinar registration page separately
even though registration is required to join, if you do not want the registration open to anyone other than the users you send it to, you must manually turn off the ability to forward the meeting by unchecking Allow forwarding
presenters must be added to the meeting calendar entry under the presenters section
added presenters will receive a typical meeting invitation email to approve or decline
presenters do not have access to registration report and must request from organizer if required
has access to meeting registration URL, but no access to edit/update
presenters can also register for the webinar, but it is not required
if the organizer requires participants to be part of UWaterloo organization
these attendees can load the link into their browser while authenticated to UWaterloo
if you open this in a browser session that is not authenticated to the UWaterloo organization (a personal Microsoft account for example), the page will be blank
if the organizer has opened the webinar to anyone, then a personal account would work
register by completing the form
confirmation email will be sent up to 15 minutes later containing:
ICS calendar file
link to the teams meeting hosting the webinar
if an update to the webinar details is made by the webinar organizer, an email is sent to all current registrants including a new ICS (i.e. calendar entry)
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Need help?
Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.
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