How to Move a Mailservices email account to a Microsoft 365 Outlook account

How to Move a Mailservices email account to a Microsoft 365 Outlook account

This article describes how to move your Mailservices email to your Microsoft 365 (M365) Outlook account by adding the Mailservices account to your M365.

If you need to forward your email messages from your M365 account please see Forward Email from your Microsoft 365 Outlook accountUNDEFINED

Adding Mailservices to M365 Outlook


  1. Navigate to Windows Control Panel > User Accounts > Mail (32-bit)> Email Accounts > New.
    Or From the E-mail tab, select New

  2. Select Manual setup or additional server types, and click Next.

  3. Select IMAP and click Next.

  4. Enter your name and the email address you wish to connect under User Information.

  5. Server Information, complete as follows:

    1. Account type: IMAP

    2. Incoming mail server: mailservices.uwaterloo.ca

    3. Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mailservices.uwaterloo.ca

  6. Enter your login information using your 8-character UWaterloo username (i.e. myuserna) and password.

  7. Select More Settings …

  8. Outgoing Server tab, complete as follows:

    1. Check the box: My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

    2. Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server.

  9. Advanced tab, complete as follows:

    1. For both incoming/outgoing servers, select TLS (startTLS) for Use the following type of encrypted connection.

    2. Set ports 

      1. Incoming server (IMAP):143 

      2. Outgoing Server (SMTP): 587.

  10.  Click OK.

  11. Click Next >.

  12. Close the Test Account Settings popup.
    (There will be a message indicating that it was a success and all statuses should show completed.)

  13. Click Finish.

Adding M365 or Connect account


These first steps are to add the account. Instructions to move the email messages are described below.

  1. Navigate to Files > Info > +Add Account

2. Enter your 8-character UWaterloo username @uwaterloo.ca (ie. myuserna@uwaterloo.ca) and click Connect

3. If prompted select Microsoft 365

4. If prompted, enter your password, click Sign in.

5. Select OK and Finish to start using your email account in Outlook.

Moving email messages

Now that the two accounts are added to Outlook you can move your email messages. You can either

Moving the entire inbox

In the example below, emails are being moved from the second inbox to the first inbox.

  1. Go to Files > Account Settings > Account Settings, choose second account, click Change...   

  2. Select All for Download emails for the past:

  3. Close the tab. Go back to your Outlook inbox, right-click on your second inbox and select Copy Folder

  4. Select your first inbox (username@uwaterloo.ca)

    1. Click OK. It will start transferring your email.

    2. Your old email will appear as a subfolder named inbox under your inbox. You should rename it to something to be more clear.

  5. You can verify online that the transfer was successful by visiting microsoft365.com 

  6. Sign in to the first inbox (username@uwaterloo.ca) to check for the emails

Moving selected emails

We recommend making a backup file of your emails before starting the migration. Please follow these instructions to do so: Back up your email - Microsoft Support

  1.  With the Windows Outlook app open, select the emails from the inbox that you would like transferred. You may want to transfer emails in batches if you have a large inbox.

    1.  To select multiple emails, hold the Control key and click on the emails you would like, selected emails will be highlighted in light blue

  2. Click on the first email you would like to transfer, then while holding the Shift key, select the last email you would like to transfer. The emails listed in the selection will be transferred in a batch.

  3. You can now drag and drop the emails into the inbox you would like

    1. You need to drag and drop to the Inbox folder itself. Dragging and dropping to the email address listed will not work

It may take some time for the transfer to complete - you can view your inbox in the Windows Outlook app to confirm if the emails were transferred or proceed with Step #3.

3. You MUST verify online that the transfer was successful by visiting microsoft365.com. Failure to follow this step may result in a loss of emails.

4. Sign in to the inbox with the transferred emails to check for the emails

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