Setting Up a Jira Assets Space

Setting Up a Jira Assets Space

Creating the Space

In order to request an asset space, a ticket to IST must be submitted.

  1. Submit it under the category Information Systems and Technology > Applications and Software > Atlassian

  2. Fill out:

    1. Summary – New site for Jira Assets.

    2. Request Participants – lgchase, cw-tech + the supervisor of whatever the space is being created for.

    3. Please select the topic you require assistance with – Create a new Jira project, Jira Service Management project, Confluence space, or Assets schema.

    4. What product do you need support with? – Jira Assets.

    5. Schema Name – The name of the project. eg. Campus Wellness Lab

    6. Project Key – Acronym for the website. eg. CWLAB

    7. Managers – lgchase, vcozzari, cw-tech + the supervisor of whatever the space is being created for.

    8. Additional Information

  3. IST will confirm and email a link to the space once it has been created.

  4. Bookmark the link.