Computer rollover program

Computer rollover program

About this Service 

A computer provisioning and rollover program for Arts faculty and staff to ensure that faculty and staff have up to date computer equipment.

  • Arts staff and faculty with ongoing full-time appointments are eligible for new computers (for use in their office) on a rolling basis.

  • Sessional lecturers and other non-student employees will be provided with computers sufficient to their needs for the length of their appointment.

Requests usually take 4-6 weeks to be completed.

Who Can Use this Service 

  • Faculty

  • Staff

How to Request this Service

 The Arts Computing Office will contact faculty and staff when they are eligible for a new computer, which currently occurs approximately once every 4-5 years. Minor deviations from the schedule (one-year deferral or early replacement) are considered by the Associate Dean (Infrastructure and Technology) on an individual basis.

Older computers for the use of sessional lecturers are periodically replaced on an as-needed basis. The Arts Computing Office will contact department administrative staff once a year to determine whether the existing computers are sufficient to meet anticipated needs and make appropriate arrangements. Outside this annual cycle, department administrative staff may contact ACO whenever they identify a need for computers for sessionals beyond the resources that are currently available in the department.

Contact Information
