
The pop-ups below typically appear in the top right corner of your screen. They inform you of available software and updates. 

list of notifications near the top right hand corner

What to do?

The following message pops-up when there is available software that cannot automatically be installed or updated. 

Software update available with your Mac. There are options to keep your mac up to date, update now and view advanced options

What to do? If you have time to wait for an installation and a possible reboot, install/update the software immediately. 

The pop-up below is related to Office applications for Macs. It comes up when you need to determine how frequently you would like your system to check for Microsoft updates.   

Office applications for Macs, and the frequency for updates

What to do? We recommend that you select "automatically" and choose weekly or monthly. Once you've done so, click on "Check for Updates". 

Exporting bookmarks from Google Chrome to Safari

The following pop-up below indicates that Safari has imported your bookmarks and history from Google Chrome.

Importing bookmarks from safari to firefox

What to do?

Managed Software Center 

Below is the Managed Software Center application home page. This application allows you to install software on your managed machine. 

managed software center, installing on the managed machine

The following image is the "Other available updates" page on Managed Software Center. On this page, there are many available software packages listed. 


Users don't need admin credentials to install software or updates from the center. 

Users don't need admin credentials to install software or updates from the center. 

ability to install important apple updates