In general, all expense purchases must be approved by the Lab Director by email prior to purchase.
To login to Concur:
Click Create → Start a Report.
Enter your own description for Report Name.
Enter start and end dates for the claim period (Claim Period From/Claim Period To).
If the expense is for a single purchase, set the start and end dates to the same date.
If the date the expense was incurred is different from the date showing the transaction as having been processed on your credit card, set the start and end dates to span the entire period of time.
Select the Expense Report Type.
As Lab Instructors generally are not incurring expenses due to travel, we usually select Non-Travel.
Type in a description of the reason for the purchase in the Purpose field.
For the accounting codes, generally use the following codes for equipment purchases. Abnormal purchases may require different coding. Contact Lisa Szepaniak for codes for unusual purchases.
Set Org Unit to (2200) Electrical & Computer Eng
Set Fund to (100) Operating
Set WorkOrder to (10010-10308) 2200 100 ECE UG Labs
Set Activity to (800) Teaching
Leave Research Affiliation as None Selected.
Click the Create Report button.
For each expense item,
Click the Add Expense button.
Select the New Expense tab.
Select the appropriate Expense Type for the expense. Some of the commonly used expense types are Non-Computer Equipment <$20,000 (for small lab equipment)