The Department Chair and Department Admin have the ability to create reviews for faculty members, but only the Chair is authorized to submit the review and initiate an appeal after it has been approved by the Dean.

Submitting a Review

  1. Accessing the Review Interface:

  2. Navigating the Faculty List:

  3. Initiating Review for Each Faculty Member:

  4. Review Form Overview:

  5. Weighting Information:

  6. Previous Ratings Reference:

  7. Rating and Rationale Input:

  8. Submission Options:

  1. Select the Member of Faculty that you would like to review.

  2. Click the blue “Write” to initiate your submission.

  1. Input the Rationale Title in the indicated field.

  2. Select your recommended rating for faculty member.

Discussion Requested: This option can be selected when a rating is undetermined and needs to be discussed with the Dean.

3 year average: This option can be selected to make the recommended rating an average of the ratings from the three most recent years.

  1. Write a rationale for the recommendation.

  1. While creating the review, the Chair can save the review as a Draft. This will allow them to edit or complete the rating at a later date.

  1. When ready to submit, select ‘Submit Performance Review’ and the review will be submitted. Please note that once submitted, no changes can be made to the review as Department Chair.

When the review is submitted, the dean is allowed to approve the review. When the review is approved, Chair will receive an email confirming its approval.