
We understand that navigating and maintaining web links efficiently is crucial to a student's navigation through course content. The Link Checker is a tool designed to streamline the link verification process. We have implemented a gradual deployment strategy, starting with select user groups, to ensure a robust system and optimal workflow. The accompanying FAQ section addresses common queries based on user feedback, incorporating valuable insights and lessons learned during the tool's development and testing phases.

Why is this needed?

  1. Why do we want to check and verify Links?
    1.1 The primary purpose of using Link Checker is to empower course instructors and editors to ensure the validity of links within their courses. This tool serves as a crucial resource in maintaining the integrity of online content by identifying and addressing any broken or invalid links that may disrupt the learning experience.

    1.2 Link Checker provides course instructors and editors with a systematic means to validate links incorporated into their courses. By running comprehensive link checks, they can identify and rectify any issues, preventing potential disruptions for students and ensuring a seamless navigation experience within the course materials.

    1.3 Link Checker is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for course instructors and editors to run link checks efficiently. The tool simplifies the process of identifying and addressing link-related issues, facilitating a smoother course management experience.

  2. What are the consequences of unchecked or broken links in courses?
    2.1 Unchecked or broken links in courses can lead to a compromised learning experience. Students may encounter obstacles when trying to access essential resources, affecting the overall effectiveness of the course. Link Checker helps mitigate these issues by proactively identifying and allowing correction of invalid links.

    2.2 Link Checker serves as a quality assurance tool by systematically verifying the correctness of links. This ensures that students have access to reliable and accurate resources, contributing to a positive and trustworthy learning experience within the online courses.

  3. Can Link Checker be used for regular maintenance of course content?

    3.1 One of the key advantages of Link Checker is its applicability for routine maintenance. Instructors and editors can use the tool to periodically verify links, ensuring that course materials remain up-to-date and functional, contributing to an enhanced online learning environment.

What is CEL Link Checker and what can it do?

  1. What is Link Checker?
    1.1 Link Checker is a utility tool designed to validate and manage web links within educational platforms, focusing on LEARN and CMS courses.

    1.2. The tool performs extensive link validation, checking the validity of internal and external web page links, documents, embedded media, and links within document files (e.g., .pdf, .docx)

    1.3. Users can generate detailed reports with selectable filters, providing insights into the correctness of links, categorizing them as internal or external, and differentiating between pages, URLs, and rules.

  2. Are there any restrictions on the types of links that can be verified? 
    2.1 Yes, Link Checker is specifically designed to verify links within Learn and CMS   courses. It focuses on testing the validity of links within these educational platforms and does not extend its verification capabilities to links outside this scope.  Link Checker provides a flexible approach to link validation, allowing users to customize the verification process based on specific preferences. In this context, the tool is designed to focus exclusively on links within Learn and CMS courses; it does not extend its verification capabilities to include other links outside this scope. This ensures a targeted and efficient validation process, tailored to the educational context.

  3. How do I initiate a search using Link Checker?

    3.1To begin a search in Link Checker, you can navigate to the designated search interface and input the relevant criteria, such as the course or webpage you want to analyze. Once entered, the tool will execute the search based on the specified parameters. For more specific and detailed usage , here is the guide: https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=43774738566&draftShareId=649c4172-671e-4d78-8b54-b70e1fd790de

  4. How can I view and manage search results?

    4.1 The tool conveniently displays all searches initiated by the current user, providing a comprehensive overview of your search history

    4.2 For each search conducted, the system presents general information, offering insights into the parameters and criteria used in the search.

    4.3The interface provides practical options for each search, giving you the ability to take specific actions. You can view a detailed report to gain in-depth insights, restart a search to update or refine parameters, or delete a search if it's no longer needed.

    4.4 Link Checker offers a valuable export feature, allowing you to extract pages into a CSV file. This export capability is particularly handy when you wish to analyze or share specific search results. You can apply filters, such as selecting pages based on correctness, internal or external links, and export the relevant data in a convenient CSV format.

  5.  Is other functionality possible?

What Links can be verified using Link Checker?

  1. What Links can be verified using Link Checker?
    1.1 Currently, only Learn and CMS Links can be verified using Link Checker

  2. What is a Learn link?
    2.1 LEARN, commonly referred to as the Learning Management System (LMS) at many educational institutions, is a platform that hosts online courses and provides tools for instructors and students to engage in digital learning. A LEARN link typically follows a format that includes the base URL of the platform followed by specific parameters indicating the course and content. For example, a LEARN link might look like “https://learn.uwaterloo.ca/d2l/le/content/course-id/Home”. The structure often incorporates information about the course and the specific page or resource within that course

  3. What is a CMS Link?
    3,1 CMS links refer to web links within a Content Management System, a digital platform used to create, manage, and organize digital content. In an educational context, a CMS link could lead to resources, documents, or multimedia content hosted within the system. The format of a CMS link varies depending on the specific system in use. For example, a CMS link might look like: https://contensis.uwaterloo.ca/sites/courses/course-id/course-name/table-of-contents.aspx. The structure typically includes the base URL of the CMS platform followed by identifiers for the content or page being referenced.

Viewing Search Results in Link Checker

  1. What information is displayed for each search result in Link Checker?
    1.1 For each search, the tool provides a detailed overview, presenting general information about the search, including the parameters used, the date and time of the search, and any additional relevant details. This ensures transparency and easy comprehension of your search history.

  2. How does the detailed overview assist in managing search history?
    2.1 The detailed overview is instrumental in facilitating transparent and efficient search history management. By presenting comprehensive information about each search, users can quickly identify and assess specific parameters, aiding in decision-making regarding actions such as viewing reports, restarting searches, or deleting entries.

  3. Is there a timestamp associated with each search result?
    3.1 Yes, Link Checker includes a timestamp alongside each search result, indicating the date and time when the search was conducted. This timestamp provides a chronological reference, enabling users to track the sequence of their searches over time.

What are the admin rules?

  1. Who is granted an admin account in Link Checker
    1.1 Admin accounts in Link Checker are assigned to individuals with specific responsibilities for managing and overseeing link validation processes. The criteria for granting admin accounts are typically defined by the system administrators or those in charge of the Link Checker tool.

    1.2 Admin users have the authority to manage rules within Link Checker. This involves defining rules for link validation, including specifying which links should be ignored. Common rules, such as ignoring default Brightspace functions (e.g., discussions, grades, dropbox), and disregarding certain link types (e.g., javascript, mailto:, tel:) are often established by admins to streamline the link validation process

  2. What are the primary roles of an admin user in Link Checker?
    2.1 Admin users in Link Checker have crucial responsibilities, including the ability to add, modify, and remove rules. They play a key role in defining and maintaining rule sets that influence how the tool validates links. Admins are empowered to shape the link validation process, ensuring it aligns with the specific needs and criteria of the educational environment.

  3. How can admin users contribute to the refinement of Link Checker?
    3.1 Admin users are encouraged to actively engage in the ongoing improvement of Link Checker. This may involve providing feedback on rule effectiveness, suggesting enhancements, and participating in discussions to ensure that the tool remains responsive to the evolving needs of the educational environment. The collaboration between admin users and system administrators is crucial for optimizing the functionality of Link Checker.

Additional Miscellaneous Questions

  1. How does Link Checker benefit students?
    1.1 Link Checker serves as a valuable tool for students by ensuring the integrity of web links within educational platforms. Students can expect a seamless learning experience with validated links, preventing potential disruptions and ensuring access to essential course resources.

    1.2 Link Checker enhances the overall learning experience for students by identifying and rectifying broken or invalid links. This proactive approach minimizes potential obstacles, allowing students to focus on accessing course content without disruptions caused by faulty links