Use to see your computer's VPN connection status.

As of October 6 2021, Cisco AnyConnect will be upgraded to version 4.10. You must upgrade to a compatible OS version in order to continue using AnyConnect.

  1. To begin, log into the VPN website with your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober)  and password. Most can use, but depending on where you are on campus, you may need to use

    1. Second Password:

b. Accept the Duo 2FA prompt on your device to continue to the next step

2. After logging in, download the “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client” by clicking “Download for Linux” and download the script file “

5. Input the computer password when prompted  (it will prompt you to do this after you run the script).

6. After you enter the password, the program should be fully installed on your computer. You can then open the client by selecting Show applications on the bottom left of your screen. Then click on Cisco AnyConnect.


7. After Cisco AnyConnect opens, if you haven't connected before, you will need to specify the VPN server:

8. Enter your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and click Connect.

Alternative Method to install VPN in Ubuntu

  1.  First run command below to active the TUN module

    sudo /sbin/modprobe tun 


  2. Install OpenConnect: 

    sudo apt-get install openconnect 

  3. Connect to VPN, run: 

    sudo openconnect -v 

It prompts you to type in your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password. Once these are authenticated, the VPN connection is established. 

Keep the terminal window open while the VPN session is active.  

Network resources such as shared folders, NAS drives, servers, and workstations should now be available.  

To close the VPN session, press Ctrl+Z in the terminal window. Abruptly killing the terminal window without properly closing out of the VPN session can lead to issues when attempting to reconnect in the future. These issues can typically be resolved by restarting the machine.  


Optional – Install VPN plug-ins for Network Manager 

  1. Install some VPN plug-ins for Network Manager: 

    sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc network-manager-openvpn 

  2. If prompted for your password, type it, and press Enter.

  3. If you are told that a package “is already the newest version,” ignore it and continue with the next command.

  4. If asked to “continue [Y/n],” press Y, followed by Enter.

  5. Open the connections settings dialogue, go to the VPN tab and add a new connection.

  6. Select “Cisco AnyConnect”: 

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