Install a printer by IP address | Print from a Mac | Print using the Printsrv network

How to install a printer by IP address

For this task, you will need:

Note: If one wants to print from home while using a university printer via this method, you must use the Campus VPN in order to connect to the university printers. Once this is complete, follow the instructions below:

Install the drivers

Connect to the printer

Advanced tab:

Configuration tab:

General tab:

Printing from a Mac

For this task, you will need:

Note: If one wants to print from home while using a university printer via this method, you must use the Campus VPN in order to connect to the university printers. Once this is complete, follow the instructions below:

Download the Mac OS driver for the Xerox printer model and install it by IP address with the default settings.

To print using Microsoft Word:

To print using Adobe Reader:

Print using the Printsrv network

Printsrv allows one to print from a large variety of printers located on campus without having to know their IP address.

Note: The Printsrv network is only accessible from the on-campus Nexus machines.

(thanks to Hamza Butt for transcribing this page!)