If you have been forwarding all your incoming emails from your uwaterloo.ca email to an off-campus account such as Gmail and wish to stop this, you need to remove any forwarding that has been set up for your account. This will allow all your emails to stay in your UWaterloo inbox.

Step-by-step instructions

First, check your WatIAM email settings. The email listed on your WatIAM account must be your UWaterloo email address.

  1. Log in to WatIAM using your 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. myuserna) and password.

  2. Click on Manage Email Settings.

  3. Check the Mail Routing Address field.

a. If it contains your off-campus email address, contact the IST Service Desk to update this information.

b. If it contains your UWaterloo email, you do not need to make any changes

4. Log out of WatIAM by clicking on your name listed on the top right of the screen. It will bring a drop-down menu that displays the Logout option.

Mailservices accounts: web interface

The Mailservices server uses an additional set of filtering rules that can be accessed by its native web interface. To disable email forwarding at the server:

  1. Sign in to mailservices.uwaterloo.ca/webmail.

  2. Click on Filters at the top of the page.

  3. If you see a line on the filter list that looks like Redirect to someone@example.org, click on Delete on that line.

  4. Click OK on the pop-up dialogue that asks “Really delete this rule?”

  5. Verify you have no other filters listed with a similar name that redirects your incoming email.

  6. Click Sign Out at the top of the page.

Connect accounts: web interface

The Connect server uses an additional set of filtering rules that can be accessed by its native web interface. To disable email forwarding at the server:

  1. Sign in to connect.uwaterloo.ca/owa.

  2. Click on Options near the top of the page, then Create an Inbox Rule...

    1. If there are no rules on this page, the server is not forwarding your email on arrival.

    2. If there are rules listed, click on each rule and read the description on the right side of the page.

      1. If any rule includes a “Do the following: redirect the message to 'someone@example.org' or forward email”, click on the X above the rule list when that rule is highlighted. You will see a pop-up dialogue that asks “Are you sure you want to delete this inbox rule?”. Click Yes.

  3. There is typically only one forwarding rule on an account however examine the existing inbox rules to confirm all forwarding or redirecting rules have been removed

  4. To exit Connect, click Sign Out at the top of the page.


To verify that your email is being delivered to a uwaterloo.ca server and is no longer being forwarded, send a test email to your UWaterloo email. Use MailServices, Connect, or microsoft365.com to read the message once it has arrived in your inbox.

To verify that your email is being delivered to a uwaterloo.ca server and is no longer being forwarded, send a test email to your UWaterloo email. Use MailServices, Connect, or microsoft365.com to read the message once it has arrived in your inbox.

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