Creating an assignment:

  1. Log into ATLAS via the link in LEARN.
  2. Click on the Management Tab
  3. Click on Assignments


4. If you are only creating one assignment for the workspace you can continue to complete the page with the assignment requirements. If you plan to use multiple assignments for the workspace, click the "Use multiple assignments" button.

Types of Assignments:

There are two types of assignments available when creating a new assignment. Once you select an assignment type and there are submissions you will not be able to modify the assignment type.


Setting Assignment Dates:

  1. There are four assignment specific dates for each assignment, not all dates are required.

Setting Assignment Dates:

  1. There are four assignment specific dates for each assignment, not all dates are required.
Note: If you plan to use auto submit, the start date of the assignment must be the start of the term of offer or the date you will share the corresponding resource with the students. Students who open the resource prior to this date will cancel the auto submit function, requiring students to manually submit to the assignment.


2. Next you must determine the number of submissions each student can upload for each assignment. The default is set to unlimited and can be left as is or changed to allow 1 - 10 submissions per student. The remaining settings available relate to the types of submissions you will accept.

Note: if you are using auto submit a resource must be made available to the workspace. See Adding a Resource to your workspace for more information.

3. The types of submissions available include, submissions from Pebble+, auto submit or direct file uploads.

4. The next assignment creation option is to determine if you will allow students to remove their submissions from the assignment. If you allow students to remove submissions from the assignment students will be required to resubmit prior to the due date. 

5. The final option is to determine If you want to permanently lock the student's asset upon submissions. Permanently locking the asset will prevent the student from making any changes after they have submitted.

6. Once you have determine and applied your settings be sure to Save. 

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