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Navigating to Hiring Committees

  1. Go to the Admin Dashboard.

  2. Select Settings on the sidebar menu.

    Settings button
  3. Select Hiring Committee from the dropdown menu.

Creating A Hiring Committee

  1. Click the Create Hiring Committee button at the top left of the page. This will take the user to the hiring committee creation page where elements of the hiring committee can be determined.

    Create hiring committee button
    1. Name - a field that allows the user to input the name that will display for the hiring committee

    2. Department - a dropdown menu that allows the user to select which department the hiring committee will be associated with

  2. Once the user has filled in these fields, click the Create Hiring Committee button at the bottom left of the page.

    Create hiring committee button

Managing Hiring Committees

For each hiring committee, there are a few actions that the user can take:

Managing hiring committees action items