Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long are application files kept in the system?

    • There’s no default expiration and they are kept until the admin deletes the job posting.

  • Are the admin or committee members notified when an application is submitted?

    • The system does not send emails to the committee or admin when job applications are submitted.

  • The job posting has ended but an applicant still wants to apply?

  • I’ve accidentally posted a job and it has been listed on the site, how can I remove it to prevent applications from coming in?

    • Go to the Admin Dashboard, Edit the job, and change the “Listing Start Date” to a date in the future

  • Can applicants see the members of the DACA/Hiring committee?

    • No, applicants are not able to see the members of the committee.

  • Can I create a job posting with no listing end date?

    • Yes, when creating/editing a job posting check the option to “Hide listing end date”, you will still need to add a value for the “Listing End Date” but this can be set far into the future.

  • Can I extend the job listing end date?

    • Yes, the job “Listing End Date” can be edited at any time, the “Referee Submission Deadline” must be at a later date than the “Listing End Date”.

  • Where is the application hosted?

    • The application is hosted in ACO VPS running in IST’s VMWARE VSphere.