If you are having trouble, Health Computing can assist you using a variety of remote assistance tools if your internet connection is up and running. If your internet connection is not working, contact your internet service provider for support/assistance. Also, we cannot provide hardware support for personal equipment (equipment that is not UW-owned).
If you are taking a work laptop home, be sure to log into it before you take if off the UW network. This will ensure that you can log in when you get the machine home. Most desktop computers do not have wireless capabilities and may not work off-campus (even if connected directly to your modem).
Consider signing up for a UW Webex account – to host video conferences and meetings with people outside of UW (See: https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/web-conferencing - Webex and request an account by email to rt-ist-itms-collab@rt.uwaterloo.ca)
Consider installing the WatSAFE app on your phone or computer to keep informed of any emergency developments at the university (Windows download, Mac download, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/watsafe/id1037378876?ls=1 on the Apple App Store andor, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cutcom.apparmor.uwaterloo&hl=en)
When video conferencing from home, avoid areas with strong back-lighting (e.g. a window behind you) and use a wired connection into the back of your modem (if possible).
Start the day clean... reboot your computer at the beginning of a new day (or better yet, power it off at the end of the day and start it up the next morning).