You will receive an email from Jira for each project that requires an update indicating the project status has been changed to Requires Status Update. Either follow the link to your item provided in that email or navigate to your item on the ISTPPM Board. The Only My Issues quick filter can help you find your items in the list.
To make an update on ISTPPM Board, trigger the update by simply dragging the item from the Requires Status Update column into the In Progress column.
To update from the email link, trigger the update by clicking In Progress from the options presented:
Either of the above updating options will present the following dialogue:
Update the Project Percent Complete.
Update Project Health.
If Project Health is set to yellow or red, you must complete the Actions to Recovery field, indicating why the project/initiative is yellow or red and what actions will be taken to move it back to green.
Add any Comments to reflect the current status, including any significant updates (work completed, milestones, risks for attention).
Click In Progress to complete the process.
Navigate to your project/initiative on the ISTPPM Board. The Only My Issues quick filter can help you find your items in the list.
Trigger the update to close your project/initiative by clicking the current status dropdown (example: Requires Status Update) and selecting Done
Once a project is marked 'Done', the 'Resolution Status' needs to be updated. The work around for this is to click or tap Actions, and then select Fix Resolution. The following options will be presented:
Update the Project Percent Complete to be 100% (if the project is complete) or to the appropriate percentage if the project is cancelled.
Update Project Outcome to one of the following values:
Completed – Met all expectations
Completed – Exceeded expectations
Completed – Did not meet all expectations
Add any Comments, if applicable.
Click Fix Resolution to complete the process.