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Updating Assets Already in the System |
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The site may eventually be available to the general public. Assets tagged as ‘Universal’ will be viewable and downloadable by any site visitor. Asset management, including options for sharing non-universal assets, is explained later in this document.
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News items can be found at the bottom of the home page. News items are published by the Waterloo Photos admins and may pertain to all users (e.g. system maintenance), or may be restricted by access level (and sub-levels).
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Click the gear icon in the top-right corner above the returned assets for additional options.
Users have the option of viewing 60, 120 or 240 items on a page. You can change how many assets are displayed on each page using the 'Items per page' dropdown in the top-right.
To see the next page of results click 'Next' in the page navigation area at the bottom of the page.
Sort the search results by relevance, popularity or specific attribute value using the 'Sort by' drop downs above the assets.
Users will see summary information for each asset returned, for example the ID, title, short description and a thumbnail. Full details of an asset can be viewed by clicking on its thumbnail or on 'View details' link.
Asset selection
Users may select assets individually with the checkbox above each item.
Users can also browse assets by most/least viewed and most/least downloaded. This is a useful way of gauging the popularity of assets regardless of which category they are in.
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Note: Admin users can determine whether or not org unit group members see the Advanced Download option via Admin menu item > Groups.
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Share their Lightbox with another user with adequate permissions (i.e. ability to publish a Lightbox).
The user receiving the Lightbox will need to make a copy of the Lightbox and publish that version (as their own).
Navigate to Lightbox > Manage Lightboxes
Select [copy] to create a copy of the shared Lightbox
Select [publish] to publish the copied Lightbox
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Click ‘Add Files’ and browse for desired asset. Assets can also be dragged and dropped into the outlined area.
When the asset has been added, click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Enter metadata for the asset. See Attribute Guideline document for clarification.
Caption used/to be used when published
Project ID (if applicable)
Use case
Category and subcategories (if applicable)
Name Picker
Location (should be official campus building/location if on campus)
Photographer name
Photo credit
Model release or notice of photography sign
Set Access Levels (used to determine which org unit group(s) own and have access to the asset)
Associate and organize assets within your org unit (via sub access level):
<Org unit name> open assets – org unit users view and download
Assets that anyone within your org unit can see and access should be placed here
<Org unit name> restricted assets – org unit users download w/ approval
Assets that anyone within your org unit can see, but must request approval before downloading should be placed here
<Org unit name> restricted assets for Waterloo Photos user view and download w/ approval
Assets that users from other org units can view, but must request approval before downloading should be placed here
Org unit admins will receive the download request and can approve or reject the request within the system (Approve Items menu item > Download tab)
Do not add assets to the root org unit level as they will be visible to all logged-in Waterloo Photos users
To share assets openly with all Waterloo Photos users:
View and Download Only
Assets that can be viewed and downloaded without approval by any Waterloo Photos user should be placed here
Date created
Terms of Use
Apply necessary terms of use labels to assets
Enter GPS details if desired and not included with image
Set Active Status to Active for images to be visible to others
Set an Activation date – date image will be available for view
Set an Expiry date – date image will no long be available for view
Review this asset
Select date asset should be reviewed for relevancy and possible deletion
Consider adding asset to Waterloo’s archival system
Check this box if you would like the asset considered for Waterloo's archival system
A process for reviewing and approving marked items has yet to be developed, but this attribute will be used to track requests
Set Submit Action
Submit to live – asset will be live in the system
Submit for approval – asset will need to be reviewed and approved before being published
Do not submit yet – provides a ‘draft’ of image that you can go back to
Upload assets in bulk
After completing the upload steps below, you must run a batch update on these assets to update the Title and Description fields with metadata unique to each asset. Assets should not have the same title or description. If you find they do, you should consider deleting one of the assets (avoid duplicates or photos that look very similar).
Click ‘Upload’ menu item.
Select ‘Upload files with your browser’ and click ‘Start New Upload’.
Click ‘Add Files’ and browse for desired asset. Assets can also be dragged and dropped into the outlined area.
When the assets have been added, click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Enter metadata. Note: completed attributes will be applied to all assets in upload.
Caption used/to be used when published
Project ID (if applicable)
Use case
Category and subcategories (if applicable)
Name Picker
Location (should be official campus building/location if on campus)
Photographer name
Photo credit
Model release or notice of photography sign
Set Access Levels (used to determine which org unit group(s) own and have access to the asset)
Associate and organize assets within your org unit (via access level):
<Org unit name> open assets – org unit users view and download
Assets that anyone within your org unit can see and access should be placed here
<Org unit name> restricted assets – org unit users download w/ approval
Assets that anyone within your org unit can see, but must request approval before downloading should be placed here
<Org unit name> restricted assets for Waterloo Photos user view and download w/ approval
Assets that users from other org units can view, but must request approval before downloading should be placed here
Org unit admins will receive the download request and can approve or reject the request within the system (Approve Items menu item > Download tab)
Do not add assets to the root org unit level as they will be visible to all logged-in Waterloo Photos users
To share assets openly with all Waterloo Photos users:
View and Download Only
Assets that can be viewed and downloaded without approval by any Waterloo Photos user should be placed here
Date created
Terms of Use
Apply necessary terms of use labels to assets
Enter GPS details if desired and not included with image
Set Active Status to Active for images to be visible to others
Set an Activation date – date image will be available for view
Set an Expiry date – date image will no long be available for view
Review this asset
Select date asset should be reviewed for relevancy and possible deletion
Consider adding asset to Waterloo’s archival system
Check this box if you would like the asset considered for Waterloo's archival system
A process for reviewing and approving marked items has yet to be developed, but this attribute will be used to track requests
Set Submit Action
Submit to live – asset will be live in the system
Submit for approval – asset will need to be reviewed and approved before being published
Do not submit yet – provides a ‘draft’ of image that you can go back to
Link the items together if desired
Linking items means that when an item is viewed, all other items from the upload will be shown as related items
Click ‘Start Import’.
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When looking at the current version of an asset, a user can click ‘View all versions’ to review previous versions and the option to ‘Discard this version’. The 'Discard this version' link allows the user to roll back to the previous version. If selected, a warning notice will appear requiring user action. If relationship data has been added since the second to last version, then the notice will give a specific warning that the relationship data will be lost. If the user confirms the discard, then the asset will be rolled back to the previous version.
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The assets users have access to will depend on their permissions for Waterloo Photos and any restrictions asset owners have applied to their own photo(s).
Need more help?
Get help browsing for assets in Waterloo Photos.
Learn more about uploading images in the WCMS.
Access levels are a separate browsable hierarchy that are related to permissions. Access levels are created by the org unit admin. Permissions on the access levels can be set by the org unit admin on a group by group basis. For example, users who are members of the IST Web Dev group can be given permissions to the assets in the Web Dev access level. However, users who are part of the IST Communications group will not have permissions to the assets in the Web Dev access level.
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