Once you have added OneDrive to your computer, these steps describe how to find and display your OneDrive folder and add it to your Favourites finder. (For information on how to add OneDrive, please see the article Adding OneDrive accounts to MacOS )
Step-by-step guide
To add your OneDrive folder to your Favourites finder, drag your OneDrive folder into Favourites. You may need to drag it between other items already in the left-side list (as shown with the horizontal bar).
2. You can also access your OneDrive folder by clicking the cloud icon on the top menu bar and click on the Open Folder icon on the drop-down menu that appears.
You can either multi-finger click the OneDrive cloud icon on the menubar using a trackpad (right-click with a mouse) or click on Help & Settings at the lower-right of the OneDrive drop-down menu to view additional settings and preferences along with the option to Open OneDrive - University of Waterloo folder
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