To log into LEARN, use this URL: https://learn.uwaterloo.ca
Step-by-step guide
Your login credentials are the same ones you use to access Quest. Enter your username@uwaterloo.ca and click the Next button.
Enter your case-sensitive password and click Sign in.
The two-factor authentication (2FA) window may open. Authenticate using your preferred method. For additional information regarding DUO 2FA see two-factor authentication.
Keep in mind that you may also lose connectivity to LEARN as a result of an interruption of service from your Internet service provider separate from a timeout of the LEARN system.
How do I send an Email?
From the Connect menu on the course navigation bar, select Classlist.
Search for the user(s) you wish to email (e.g., your instructor or TA), then select the checkbox beside their name.
Select the Email option.
Include a subject, compose the message and add any attachments. Click the Send button.