Versions Compared


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Roles available

Below is a brief description of some of the differences between the various TA roles availableroles that Instructors can give users when adding them to their class. For a detailed explanation of the TA and other roles available in LEARN please see our the Roles documentationin LEARN page.


TA levels 1.5 to 4 are only for TAs since private student data is made available to them.

  • Staff/Librarian – Same rights as Instructor (including creating Announcements and Content), but cannot add other users to the class

  • TA Level 4 – Same rights as an instructor Staff/Librarian (including creating Announcements and Content); used to identify the user as a TA instead of Staff/Librarian

  • TA Level 3 – Can’t create Content and Announcements or see closed courses, but can create the Gradebook

  • TA Level 2 – Can’t see closed courses or create the Gradebook, but can mark online and add grades to the Gradebook

  • TA Level 1.5 – Can mark online, but can’t enter grades in the Gradebook or see closed courses

  • TA Level 1 – same Same rights as a studentStudent


TA Level 1 can only be added by an administrator. Please email for assistance to avoid situations where instructors might consider using this role for students who are not yet enrolled in their course.



users to your course in LEARN

  1. Select Connect from the course navbar.

  2. Select Classlist.

  3. Click the Add Participants button.

  4. Select Add an Existing User from the drop-down menu.

    Classlist page with drop down menu under Add Participants. Arrow pointing at 'Add existing users' option
  5. Enter the TA’s user’s Last Name, Username, or Student ID number and hit enter.

    Add exisiting user page with arrow pointing at search bar, arrow pointing at magnifying glass, and arrow pointing at the checkbox beside the users name
  6. Select the checkbox to the left of the name of the appropriate TA user in the list of users that appears.

  7. From the Select a Role drop-down menu to the right of the TA’s user’s name, select the level at role which you would like to enrol give the TAuser. See TA roles available above for detailed information.

  8. Click the Enrol Selected Users button.

  9. After you have successfully added the TA user, you can click the Done button or the Add More Participants button if you have additional TAs users to add.

Changing a


user’s role

If you add your TA at the user in a certain levelrole, and then later decide s/he needs a different permission level, you can change the TAuser's enrolment in the course.

  1. Select Connect from the course navbar.

  2. Select Classlist.

  3. Select the TA tab or Instructor tab to find someone with a TA or Staff/Librarian role respectively.

  4. Select the checkbox to the left of the name of the TA user to be altered.

  5. click Click the Enrolment button.

    Classlist page with arrow pointing to the Enrolment button and arrow pointing to the check box beside the Teaching Assistant
  6. Use the Select a New Role drop-down menu found beside the name of the TA user to choose the new TA level role.

  7. Click Save.


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