Add the moveit arm package with the URDF and ROS2_control enabled to the repository.
Create a service server node for moving the arm from one pose to another. Launch file.
Create a node for controlling the arm via the Xbox controller; aka create a ROS2 node to pipe data from the joystick over to ros2_control. Launch file. GitHub issue
The first part of this task is to boot the arm in Gazebo and check out what topics
exposes for it. You can userqt
orros2 topic list
for this; you’re looking for something like a/cmd_vel
to figure out what you need to publish to in order to get the drivetrain to move.Then, you’ll set up a node that subscribes from the Xbox controller node that Nico wrote, and forwards the data (publishes) to the
topics. This could be “if you press button A, joint 1 moves at a speed of 0.1m/s”, or anything similar. However you think the arm should be controlled for SAR.