Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

ACCESS_DENIED - Access to this location is not authorized

  • page title contains 'not authorized' or 'Central Authentication Service'

  • link is an external file that gives an unauthorized code

ANCHOR_INVALID - Anchor is invalid

  • link is an anchor (with hash) and no id, name, or ng-href elements were found to match what the anchor is referencing


CAS_REDIRECT - URL redirected to CAS

  • no code uses this error


FILE_NOT_FOUND - URL refers to a non-existent resource

  • link is internal and an XML HTTP Request did not return code 200

  • link is external and a NET HTTP Request gave no response


INVALID_URL - Invalid URL format

  • A part or multiple parts of the URL (anchor, URI, host, port, extension, and/or query) is invalid


INVALID_URL_TOKEN - Course ID is missing or invalid

  • URL is internal but does not contain the course ID/token in the URL or as an “ou” or “orgunitid” parameter in the query and does not satisfy any NO_TOKEN rules


MULTIPLE_URL_TOKENS - URL contains multiple course IDs

  • URL is internal and the course ID/token appears multiple times in the URL or as an “ou” or “orgunitid” parameter in the query


PAGE_NOT_FOUND - Page not found

  • Page contains ‘<html><head></head><body></body></html>’ somewhere in the html source

  • Page title contains any of the following: 'not found', 'failed to load', 'not available', 'cannot be found', 'offline', '404', '500'

  • A text element in the page body contains the 'The file associated with this content topic cannot be found.'

  • Page/URL is external and cannot be reached using Net HTTP request or Selenium

  • There is a Socket Error (usually means cannot resolve hostname) anytime during the URL processing


SELENIUM_ERROR - Page not loaded due to an internal browser error

  • the browser the app uses to process URLs/Pages could not be created or connected


URL_REDIRECT_ERROR - Too many redirects

  • the URL is external and Net HTTP request returned a HTTP redirect response


URL_SSL_ERROR - URL could not be checked due to an SSL error             

  • App may have outdated SSL certificate files



URL_TIMEOUT - URL could not be checked due to a timeout error

  • Something times out at any point in the URL processing


PHANTOMJS_ERROR - Page not loaded due to an internal driver error

  • There is an error with PhantomJS, the headless browser used to visit the URLs


UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION - URL could not be checked due to an unknown error

  • Process was interrupted with an error but was not identified as any of the above errors


If none of these errors are flagged, then the URL is ValidOn the My searches tab, if you click on a search and go to the Rules section, you can find the different types of rules each link follows, and the number of links of each type of rule. If the search finds a link with the value in the URL, it will check based on the type of rule it is


There are 4 types of Rules:


    • When this rule is applied, links are completely ignored, and none of the checks are invoked. Essentially, Link Checker does not follow or validate these links. It's impossible to determine if these links are valid or functional.

  2. NO_SCAN:

    • With the NO_SCAN rule, links are still processed as usual, but the pages they point to are treated as external pages. This means that the content of these external pages is not scanned for links. However, the links themselves are still processed and validated.

  3. NO_TOKEN:

    • Links that meet this rule criteria are not required to have a course ID in the URL to be processed. In other words, Link Checker will still validate and process these links even if they don't contain a course ID parameter in their URL structure.

  4. SCRIPT:

    • This rule applies to non-HTML and non-file links that cannot be validated or followed. Examples include JavaScript links or links to executable files. Link Checker recognizes these links but does not attempt to validate or follow them due to their non-standard nature.