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 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Solar Panels [1]

Image of a solar panel.Image Added

What is Solar



The sun’s energy is converted into thermal/ electrical energy. This type of energy is the cleanest and comes in large quantities all over the world. Solar technologies harness the sun’s energy converting it to multiple uses such as generating electricity, providing light, heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use. Solar energy can be built as distributed generation (located at or near the point of use) or as a utility-scale solar power plat (similar to traditional power plants). Both methods can also store energy they produce and distribute after the sun has set [7].

Distributed Generation

Distributed generation, also known as on-site generation or decentralized generation [8], supplies power for a specific building or facility [9].

Utility-Scale Solar Power Plant

A utility-scale solar power plant sells the power generated directly into the electrical grid instead of a specific facility [9].

What are the



  • Renewable energy source [10]
  • Reduces electricity bills
  • Diverse applications
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Technology development

What are the



  • Cost [7]
  • Weather dependent
  • Solar energy storage is expensive
  • Uses a lot of space
  • Associated with pollution (transportation and installation)
  • Toxic materials and hazardous products used during manufacturing of solar photovoltaic systems

How is it Harnessed?


Generates electricity directly from sunlight through an electronic process which can be used to power many objects/ items (e.g. calculators, road signs, homes, large commercial businesses, etc.)

[7]. “When sunlight strikes the photovoltaic (PV) module (made of a semi-conductor material) electrons are stripped from their atomic bonds. This flow of electrons produces an electric current. PV modules contain no moving parts and generally last thirty years or more with minimal maintenance.” [11].

Application of Photovoltaics [2]

Diagram A shows a telephone powered by a photovoltaic panel and diagram B shows a water pump. These are examples of practical application of photovoltaics.Image Added

Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC)

Collects thermal energy from the sun and provides hot water and space heating and cooling for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Some ways to collect this energy is by flat plates, evacuated tube, Integral Collector Storage (ICS), thermosiphon and concentrating [11].

Unglazed Solar Collector [3]

Image of an example of an unglazed solar collector and how it functions.Image Added

Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)

Uses mirrors to concentrate the sun’s thermal energy to power a conventional steam turbine, creating electricity. The thermal energy created in the CSP plant can be stored and distributed when needed regardless of time of day. In the United States, over 1,400 MW of CSP plants are operational. CSP plants are normally located in places with access to the most intense direct sunlight and contiguous parcels of dry, flat land


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Examples of


Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (largest solar thermal power plant in the world) [4]

Image of Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (largest solar thermal power plant in the world).Image Added

Technologies for Solar Power

Passive Solar Gain

For passive solar gain, orient the house so the main rooms are facing south, have large windows on south side, small windows on north side, use building materials that store heat by adding “thermal mass” to the house, and have the lay out housing developments so that buildings do no over-shadow each other [5]. To find more information relating to passive solar design click here.

Solar thermal (heating purpose)

Passive Solar Gain Example [5]

Diagram of how you can use passive design to either increase or decrease the amount of sunlight you receive in the building creating a heating or cooling effect.Image Added

Solar Thermal Panel

This is a black surface that absorbs light, heats up and transfers the heat into a working fluid which moves it to a place where it is useful (i.e. hot water store, swimming pool, specific spot for heating in a building, etc.) [5].

Concentrated Solar Power

Concentrated solar power (

  • Solar photovoltaics (electricity)
  • Solar Water Heating
  • Solar Heating
  • Solar Ventilation
  • Solar Lighting
  • Technologies to Help with Solar Power

    CSP) can create higher temperatures due to the sun’s rays being concentrated by mirrors. These only work in direct sunshine so they are only used in areas benefiting from sunny climates [5].

    Flexible Organic Photovoltaics

    These were created by integrating a network of elastic additives to make the electrically active material less delicate as well as augment the material with little to no loss of current flow [12].

    Enhanced Solar Water Heat Pipes

    These pipes will improve the efficiency on converting solar energy directly to heat with a system’s operating temperature beyond 250 degrees Celsius whereas normal pipes range from 80 – 120 degrees Celsius [12].

    Solar-Powered Pavement

    This technology is still in testing along Route 66 (America’s historic interstate highway). It was first used on sidewalks which used thermal heating to melt snow as well as LED bulbs that light the roads at night. This technology can help offset a community’s reliance on the grid and decrease its carbon emissions [12].

    Current and Upcoming Materials in Solar Cell Technologies

    Crystalline Silicon

    It’s a combination of high-efficiency crystalline photovoltaics and hybrid tandem III-V/Si solar cells. These solar cells are an alternative low-cost solution with highly efficient materials. They can harvest solar energy from both sides of the panel with 11% more efficiency compared to standard panels [6].

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    Crystalline Silicon Solar


    Cells [6]

    Image of what crystalline silicon solar cells are.Image Added

    Thin Films

    Second-generation thin-film solar cells are a narrow design (35 times smaller light-absorbing layers compared to standard Si-panels) that are light weight, flexible, and have an easy installation process. The materials consist of cadmium-telluride (CdTe), amorphous silicon, copper-indium-gallium-selenide (CIGS), and gallium-arsenide (GaAs). Although CdTe has a toxicity concern due to the cadmium, the CIGS solar cells are a highly efficient and economic option for residential and commercial installations with an efficiency up to 21%

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    thin COGSe (Cu(In,Ga)(Se)2) solar cell, produced at Solarion AG [6]

    Image of what flexible thin COGSe (Cu(In,Ga)(Se)2) solar cells are.Image Added

    Perovskite Solar Cells

    Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are a hybrid metal halide that carry a low price, thinner design, low-temperature processing, excellent light absorption properties (good performance under low and diffuse light), flexible, light weight, and semitransparent. These are not commercialized yet due to the stability and durability issues they currently have but when combined with crystalline silicon, they can be as efficient as 28% under laboratory conditions [6].

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    Perovskite Solar Cells [6]

    Building Related

    Image of what perovskite solar cells are.Image Added

    How Solar Energy Relating to Buildings

    Why Should You Use Solar Technologies for Buildings

      • Increases energy consumption [13]
      • Environmental consciousness
      • Global climate change
      • CSR implication/ advantage for corporate buildings
      • Attraction towards cleanest, renewable energy
      • High social value and an increase in the value of the property
      • Unlimited resource
      • Low environmental impact
      • Energy independence
      • Multipurpose
      • Ability for Additions
      • Portable
      • Post-Installation is Zero

    Advantages in a Building

      • Improves heating and cooling system’s efficiency by 30% by proper installation of a new HVAC system while reducing operational costs by 90% with a solar water heater [13]
      • Low-Emissivity (Low-e) Window Glazing reduces space cooling by approximately 40% and a light-coloured roof reduces a roof’s temperature because it absorbs less than 50% of the solar energy)
      • When using energy efficient lights and appliances, the energy used can reduce by 20-30%


    Contributors Summary