Add an alias for all sub-domains to the record for the server.
Open the record in IPAM.
Click on the EDIT button.
Click the NEXT button until reaching the ALIASES CONFIGURATION page.
Enter the
sub-domain in the Name field, including the server name. For example,*.ece-openedx-01
.The Domain should be set to the same as for the server. For example,
.The Type should be set to CNAME.
Click the ADD button. The new alias should appear in the list of aliases.
It may take about 5 minutes for the DNS changes to propagate and be accessible from your local computer.
Install Tutor:
Code Block pip install "tutor[full]"
Add current user to docker group:
Code Block sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Logout and log back in.
Start tutor:
Code Block tutor local launch
Enter parameters:
Code Block Are you configuring a production platform? Type 'n' if you are just testing Tutor on your local computer [Y/n] Your website domain name for students (LMS) [www.myopenedx.com] ece-openedx-01.eng.uwaterloo.ca Your website domain name for teachers (CMS) [studio.ece-openedx-01.eng.uwaterloo.ca] Your platform name/title [My Open edX] ECE Open edX dev1 Your public contact email address [contact@ece-openedx-03.eng.uwaterloo.ca] d24lau@uwaterloo.ca The default language code for the platform [en] Activate SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS access? Important note: this will NOT work in a development environment. [y/N]