Install Tutor:
Code Block pip install "tutor[full]"
Add current user to docker group:
Code Block sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Logout and log back in.
Start tutor:
Code Block tutor local launch
Enter parameters:
Code Block Are you configuring a production platform? Type 'n' if you are just testing Tutor on your local computer [Y/n] Your website domain name for students (LMS) [www.myopenedx.com] ece-openedx-01.eng.uwaterloo.ca Your website domain name for teachers (CMS) [studio.ece-openedx-01.eng.uwaterloo.ca] Your platform name/title [My Open edX] ECE Open edX dev1 Your public contact email address [contact@ece-openedx-03.eng.uwaterloo.ca] d24lau@uwaterloo.ca The default language code for the platform [en] Activate SSL/TLS certificates for HTTPS access? Important note: this will NOT work in a development environment. [y/N]
Test the OpenEdX LMS site.
Open a browser to the server address (e.g.,
).The OpenEdX welcome page should be displayed.