project Number (mandatory): This text field is displayed at the left-most column in the projects list. It serves as the primary identifier to students for which Project to submit to.
on-time deadline (mandatory): This field affects automatic calculation of each student’s grade for the project. Submissions made prior to this deadline fully count towards the student’s grade.
late deadline (mandatory): This field affects automatic calculation of each student’s grade for the project. Submissions made after the on-time deadline and up to this deadline, count with a deduction according to the Late Constant and Late Multiplier fields below. Submissions made after this deadline do not count towards the student’s grade.
project title (mandatory): This text field is displayed at the right-most column in the project list. It can be used as a description field for the project, or duplicate the project Number field.
URL (optional): If used, this field will turn the project Number field into a link with this URL.
description (option): This field does not appear to have any effect.
stack trace policy (mandatory):