Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

ACCESS_DENIED - Access to this location is not authorized

  • page title contains 'not authorized' or 'Central Authentication Service'

  • link is an external file that gives an unauthorized code

ANCHOR_INVALID - Anchor is invalid

  • link is an anchor (with hash) and no id, name, or ng-href elements were found to match what the anchor is referencing


CAS_REDIRECT - URL redirected to CAS

  • no code uses this error


FILE_NOT_FOUND - URL refers to a non-existent resource

  • link is internal and an XML HTTP Request did not return code 200

  • link is external and a NET HTTP Request gave no response


INVALID_URL - Invalid URL format

  • A part or multiple parts of the URL (anchor, URI, host, port, extension, and/or query) is invalid


INVALID_URL_TOKEN - Course ID is missing or invalid

  • URL is internal but does not contain the course ID/token in the URL or as an “ou” or “orgunitid” parameter in the query and does not satisfy any NO_TOKEN rules


MULTIPLE_URL_TOKENS - URL contains multiple course IDs

  • URL is internal and the course ID/token appears multiple times in the URL or as an “ou” or “orgunitid” parameter in the query


PAGE_NOT_FOUND - Page not found

  • Page contains ‘<html><head></head><body></body></html>’ somewhere in the html source

  • Page title contains any of the following: 'not found', 'failed to load', 'not available', 'cannot be found', 'offline', '404', '500'

  • A text element in the page body contains the 'The file associated with this content topic cannot be found.'

  • Page/URL is external and cannot be reached using Net HTTP request or Selenium

  • There is a Socket Error (usually means cannot resolve hostname) anytime during the URL processing


SELENIUM_ERROR - Page not loaded due to an internal browser error

  • the browser the app uses to process URLs/Pages could not be created or connected


URL_REDIRECT_ERROR - Too many redirects

  • the URL is external and Net HTTP request returned a HTTP redirect response


URL_SSL_ERROR - URL could not be checked due to an SSL error             

  • App may have outdated SSL certificate files



URL_TIMEOUT - URL could not be checked due to a timeout error

  • Something times out at any point in the URL processing


PHANTOMJS_ERROR - Page not loaded due to an internal driver error

  • There is an error with PhantomJS, the headless browser used to visit the URLs


UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION - URL could not be checked due to an unknown error

  • Process was interrupted with an error but was not identified as any of the above errors


If none of these errors are flagged, then the URL is Valid