To stop streaming to any display, tap the green checkmark underneath the display icon and tap the send button again to update your change.
Extending the display
There are several reasons you may want to extend your laptop display. During a presentation, a useful technique is to use the extend option to view your notes on your laptop while your presentation is being displayed on the projection screen and the preview monitor.
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What you see on the preview monitor is what will be projected. In other words, the preview monitor and projection screen will always display the same thing. |
Right-click anywhere on the laptop’s desktop and select Display settings.
In the Display settings window, scroll down to the Multiple displays section and click on the dropdown menu.
Select the Extend desktop option.
You can also arrange the position of the monitors by dragging and dropping them in the diagram at the top of the Display settings window.
You can also adjust the display settings for each monitor separately. To do this, click on the monitor icon at the top of the Display settings window, and select the monitor you want to configure.
Once you have finished configuring the display settings, click on Apply to save the changes.
That's it! Your external monitor should now be extended and ready to use.
Click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of the screen, and select System Preferences.
Click on Displays.
Click on the Arrangement tab.
In the Arrangement tab, you should see a representation of your displays. Drag the white bar at the top of one display and drag it to the other display to extend your desktop.
You can also drag the displays to rearrange them, so the position of the external monitor matches its physical location relative to your Mac.
Once you have finished configuring the display settings, close the System Preferences window to save the changes.
That's it! The external monitor should now be extended, and you can drag windows between your laptop display and the external monitor.
The DocCam can be used to stream the written notes onto either projector or the classroom preview monitor.