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Forgot Your Password?

  1. Go to Password Recovery web page.

  2. Enter your userID and an external email address, then click Next.

  3. If those two things match data on the identity, a password reset message will be sent to the supplied email address.

  4. Log into your external email address, open the password reset message and click on the provided link. 


  1. Choose the eduroam network.

  2. Authenticate with 

    1. (replace userID with your WatIAM userID)

    2. Your Quest / WatIAM password.

  3. If you are still unable to connect:

    1. See Information Systems & Technology's (IST) eduroam page with full instructions for Mac and Windows computers.

    2. If you don't have a Quest / WatIAM userID or a valid userID at another eduroam institution, you may be able to obtain a guest account through NetID to access eduroam. Please see IST's page on connecting to eduroam for more information.
