Versions Compared


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Emily Adam 

Link to Research Document




While our team has used exclusively brushed DC motors for our past rovers, there’s a lot more options out there. Motors vary in terms of commutation methods, motor structure, and control algorithms, each with their own advantages/disadvantages. This document provides a platform for the team to investigate brushless motor alternatives, from a controls perspective. 


Brushed DC Motors

Brushless DC Motors

  • Stator consists of permanent magnets. Rotor consists of coil windings

  • High maintenance

    • Not sustainable for long-term applications due to wear on brushes

  • Low efficiency 

  • Mechanical commutation 

    • Motor is supplied with DC voltage, so commutation is achieved by using brushes paired with a mechanical commutator

  • Easy to control. Control speed by varying the average voltage supplied

  • Stator consists of coil windings. Rotor consists of permanent magnets

  • Low maintenance

  • High efficiency

  • Electrical commutation

    • Motor is supplied with AC or AC-like voltage (which would be manufactured from a DC supply)

  • Complex to control. Requires power supply waveforms to be synthesized, changing their frequency and amplitude
